
Garuda Indonesia Inaugurates Sales Office at Pertamina Petrol Station

From Garuda Megazine page 016 (August)

In order to get closer to the public and improve its customer service, Garuda Indonesia officially opened its sales office in Pertamina Petrol Station (SPBU) in Kuningan, Jakarta. This was simbolically carried out on 8th July by Agus Priyanto, EVP Commercial Services Garuda Indonesia, and Djaelani Sutomo Pertamina's Director of Marketing and Trading.

According to Agus Priyanto the inauguration demonstrates the commitment of Garuda Indonesia to the continuous improvement of its services and a positive synergy between the two State Owned Enterprises-Pertamina and Garuda Indonesia-while improving the value of both.

Meanwhile, Djaelani Sutomo said that the sales office would give added value to the improvement of services and it would be easier now for the customers of both corporations to make transactions, both buying petrol and buying tickets at the same time.

"The opening of the Garuda Indonesia sales office in the Pertamina petrol station will improve the services to our customers by offering non­fuel products at our complex," added Djaelani Sutomo.

The Kuningan station is one of 4,000 Pertamina petrol stations around Indonesia. This shop offers a one stop service, meaning that in addition to offering its main product, namely fuel, it also offers other services in cooperation with other companies such as a mini market, a travel agency and a restaurant.

In order to fulfil the customers' desires to enjoy other services, Garuda Indonesia at present has several distribution channels such as call centres, online booking on the Garuda Indonesia web site and sales offices in various regions as well as travel agency partners.

At present, the sales offices are still needed to directly reach customers in various regions, especially for ticket sales and city check-in.

Prior to this, Garuda Indonesia had officially opened two new sales offices in Puri Indah Mall and Emporium Pluit Mall. With these additions, Garuda Indonesia now has 13 sales offices in Jakarta and its surrounding area and other sales offices in almost all parts of Indonesia.

7 komentar:

  1. salam sahabat
    ehm jadi perkembangannya lebih bagus nuh..good luck ya

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