
Indonesia's Biggest Batik Street Festival

Surakarta once again has organized the Solo Batik Carnival which attracted hundreds of participants and was attended by thousands

THE BIGGEST BATIK festival in Indonesia, Solo Batik Carnival, was held for the third time on 23rd June in Surakarta, Central Java. This time the theme was "sekar jagad" or "flowers of the world" which is one of the motifs in traditional batik.

Just like in previous years, the event was centred on Jalan Slamet Riyadi which splits the town centre down the middle. About 300 participants in lively costumes paraded along the streets which were throng with people. The everyday activities of the locals seemed to be hold. Music was filling the air as it accompanied the graceful dancing of the participants

Solo Batik Carnival has indeed become a celebration that the people of Surakarta are proud of. This annual parade was conceived by Joko Widodo, the Mayor of Surakarta, in collaboration with a consultant called Dynand Fariz who had previously been behind the Jember fashion Festival. That evening, the Mayor donned an aristocratic cotume and rode a horse. Following behind him were local government staff wearing the uniforms of Keraton soldiers, who were in turn followed by the other participants

The theme "sekar jagad" manifested itself in various coloured flora and fauna designs. Participants using the flora theme costumes walked at the front The colours chosen varied, from red, yellow and green to blue and purple. The fauna motifs were no less lively. Batik based costumes were decorated with accessories in the shapes of various animals from land, water and air. One of the participants fascinated the onlookers with a dazzling butterfly costume.

Solo Batik Carnival is an endeavour on the part of Surakarta government to promote the town as a "batik town" In the national history of batik, Surakarta indeed holds a special place It was here that legendary batik companies sprung up in two kampong-Laweyan and Kauman. The preeminent batik museum, Museum Danar Had!, is also located in Surakarta and has become a reference for batik lovers all over the world who want to learn about the development of batik from one era to another.

2 komentar:

  1. Mudah - mudahan dengan adanya event seperti itu budaya Indonesia bisa lebih diperdalam lagi dan tidak diklaim oleh maling sial

  2. salam sahabat
    ehm kalau memang benar adanya begitu semoga indonesia semakin membaik lah masa sich kalah ama negara tetangga yang lebih kecil iya ga?


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